Our community here at Immanuel is just like a family! We would love for you to be part of it!

Become a member of Immanuel Baptist Church

Membership isn’t about being a part of a secret club and doesn’t come with a special jacket. Instead, choosing to become a member of a local church is your opportunity to commit to doing life together as a community of believers. 

How to become a member:

1. By salvation.
After you have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and have been baptized by immersion from a church of like faith and doctrine, you may become a member of the church.

2. By transfer.
If you were a member of another Baptist church, you can transfer your letter of membership directly to Immanuel.

3. By statement of faith.
You can join Immanuel through a statement of faith indicating you have received Jesus Christ and have been baptized by immersion by a church of like faith and doctrine.

New Member Class

Our new member “Formation Basic 2” course will give you a fuller understanding of who we are and what we believe here at Immanuel. This course is great for giving you an understanding of the basic Biblical principles that we live by! As a new or seasoned Christian, we hope this will help you build and strengthen your foundation in Christ to help you grow more in your understanding of Him. Check it out here!

Other Formation Basic courses will be coming! Click here to watch our Formation Basic course on Baptism!